Sunday, January 5, 2014

notes on driving

(and yes this is 4th post in one day...)

Parking lots:
I answered a phone call heading into a parking lot. A little distraction and I found myself driving the wrong way through a parking lot roundabout. It would be hard to drive wrong-way on a main road, but it is easy to go wrong in a parking lot.
I have also found myself coming out of parking lots on the wrong side.
On rides with traffic and signs it isn't hard to remember where to be but parking lots are another story...

Ireland and Northern Ireland:
Turns out they are different countries so even though highways have the same name M1,M2,M3...
doesn't mean they connect. I made this error returnign from Belfast. The M1 goes south from Belfast and goes North from Dublin. Unfortunately the M1 from Belfast turns west and never connects to Dublin M1. There is an A1 in the middle... The GPS told me this but I ignored it and paid the extra hour lesson for not trusting google.

Parking spaces:
pulling in with wheel on the right is a little harder for some reason, but parking spaces also seem micro sized. There are just a little narrower and probably shorter too. The ramp between levels in the parking garages are narrower than needs be too.

On the upside, light flashing to let people turn in front of you is quite common, so around town drivers can often be courteous ...

thats all about driving for now. Sarah and I stiff have to sign up fro drivers lessons to get licenses so who knows what else we might figure out. Luckily from me work trips it seems like switching back to the other side of the car is like riding a bike and not easily forgotten


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