Thursday, October 3, 2013

how long is two months, really?

Well I was walking to pick up the kids from school the other day and was wondering why it feels like we've been here in Ireland for such a long time.  When people ask me and I respond "two months" it sounds like a very short time, but somehow it doesn't feel that way to me.  I think I know why.  It's the chores.

My life here in Ireland, although very different in many ways, is also very much the same life I lived in Portland.  In between meeting new people, seeing amazing things and hearing that beautiful accent all day long, I do chores.  The same ones over and over.  Not that it's a problem, it's the life of a housewife and mom, and most days it suits me just fine.  But, here is why it feels like 2 months is a long time indeed.  Since we moved to Maynooth:

I have prepared and cleaned up at least 144 meals - that's assuming that we eat out at least once a week. We don't.

I've swept the kitchen floor at least 56 times - and that's assuming I only did it once a day.  You know me and you know that's not true.  But for the sake of science we'll go with it.

I've done at least 48 loads of laundry - many of those hung out on a line to dry.

And I've "hoovered" the carpet at least 20 times (see previous post on appliances for more information on "hoovering) - that doesn't include the little carpet sweeper thingy that I use every day at least once on the heavily trod upon areas.

And finally I've walked to the Presentation Girls National School and the St. Mary's Boys National School and back home again approximately 40 times.

So, that's why it seems like we've been here a while and why I feel like I already know my small corner of Ireland very well indeed.  Soon we will get to know the rest of the country and Europe....But maybe not by doing chores in them.


  1. I love you Sarah. I miss you terribly. Sunday dinners are so not the same without you all there...

  2. the 40 times is approximately 40 miles so you are closing in on your 2nd marathon in ireland

  3. Yup. Well said sister. Love you to bits.
