Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Holiday in Wales (day 1)

Wales is castle land (from their tourism site their are over 600 castles in Wales, most per square mile than any country in the world).
We knew there were castles but we did not know how impressive they would be.

We arrived on Saturday morning after a ride on the quick ferry from Dublin (around 35mph... 2 hours long). I had planned to start with a castle that looked good on paper Conwy Castle. On the way we saw a sign for Beaumaris castle and thought after a 2 hour ferry ride why not a quick castle stop on the way to the next castle which was 40 minute away.

Beaumaris turned out to be huge. A moated castle with a giant inner green space. Rooms in the walls.
Unfinished in the end but spectacular nether the less. Sarah read more signs than I did (designated Jack chaser that I am) so she can pipe in on the history.

and to be kid friendly they add a playground outside...

Next stop Conwy Castle
Just as grand as Beaumaris. This castle was finished and was on the water which makes for a picturesque castle. The walls at Beaumaris were high but the turrets on Conwy were really high and it turns out wearing a hat is dicey. Mine blew off, but luckily right into Sarah's hands.
Gorgeous views from up top

a rare shot of The photographer with family

Day 2 to hopefully follow tomorrow...


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