Friday, September 19, 2014

at the grocery store...

As we have said before, it is the little things. Here are some insights on how a grocery shopping experience is different here

Shopping carts : you need a €1 coin to unlock / use (you do get coin back at the end)

In the bread section
     Pancakes ( precooked in an 8 pack)
     Waffles ( precooked, smaller)
     Brown soda bread
     Wholemeal bread
     Brown and white bread (labelled best of both worlds)
     White pan bread
     Wraps (tortillas)

      usually in the baking section, refrigerated

      A whole aisle of potatoes. In big sacks, labelled by purpose ( frying, baking, roasting, etc...)
      Local and seasonal vegetables
              - countries of origin prominently labelled

       restricted shopping hours due to blue hours, but they sell beer, wine and liquor at all the grocery          stores

      no prescriptions at grocery stores. Ibuprofen only available behind the counter at grocery stores.         Paracetamol would be their pain killer of choice

At checkout
       Bring your own bag or you have to buy bags, or just carry what you bought.
       Bag it yourself (so race the cashier game, can they sscan items faster than you can bag... hint they             always win)

it seems like most foods have expiration dates that are only 3-4 days after purchase so small grocery runs are a little more common.

that's all for now


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