Sunday, August 24, 2014

I know a Lady...

Today I had an amazing experience.  I was given a private tour of Dunsany Castle in County Meath by none other than the Lady Dunsany herself.  Just the Lady and myself spending two hours in a leisurely stroll through her family's current home.  I described it to Rob this way:  "you know how we get tours through great houses and castles and see all the beautiful furniture and artwork behind the velvet ropes? Well, in this tour there were no ropes."

Original artwork from the 17th century, weapons used to defend the castle against Cromwell's attack, and family photos of Lady and Lord Dunsany and their two sons all mixed together in amazing rooms with 20 foot ceilings and hand carved wood and plasterwork.  In the dining room I asked Lady Dunsany if she ever ate there.  "Sure," she said and pointed to a slightly smaller square table in the room "this is the breakfast table".  At which point she rubbed at a teacup ring on the wood.  Sadly, because of the staggering collection of priceless pieces, I could not take photos of the interior.  Lady Dunsany said that security was an issue for them. She doesn't want pictures of what is there to be stolen posted all over Facebook.  Seemed silly to me until we got past the foyer.  Then I understood.  Standing next to an original Van Dyke from the 17th century I understood why she wouldn't want photos all over the web.  This is what the place looked like from the outside.
Lady Dunsany invited me to return next summer and to bring Rob and the kids next time.  She's so nice.  


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