Monday, March 31, 2014

Cooking in Ireland

Or maybe I should have said baking in Ireland...

Recipes in Ireland will typically list the dry ingredients in grams, unlike the US (typically cups).
The problem is that they don't sell measuring cups that measure in grams.

Back to science class folks ...
Cups, ml, oz, fl oz are all volume measurements.
Grams, lbs are weight/mass measurements

For most recipes in the US for baking they will say 1/2 cup sugar, 2 cups of flour etc....
1 cup of flour =128 grams
1 cup of oats =85 grams
1 cup of sugar =201 grams
clearly the volume method in the US is much more convenient. The typical Irish way would be to use a scale to weight the dry goods.

After having no luck in store I found this on amazon

Hopefully this solves the cooking frustrations, and makes for some happy baking in the household


1 comment:

  1. um - invest in a kitchen scale - I have two! They come in handy for other things too - like weighing halloween candy or figuring out how much post a letter needs. USA should be weight based - it is much more accurate for baking than volume. Think sifted flour vs non-sifted. Apparently even different brands of kosher salt contain different amounts of actual salt by volume. That is a pretty interesting measuring thing tho.
