Monday, August 12, 2013

Surprising challenges

Here we are 12 days after getting keys and won't don't we have
1- bank account details. It took a week to open a bank account, still waiting for debit card and official details in the mail
2- new car, number 1 has killed number 2. Had to wait to get details to transfer US money to Ireland. Now need to get online login in the mail to see if money arrived. Meanwhile rental car is out of my pocket so times a wasting
3- trash- seriously, they say 10 days to setup still waiting for trash bins...big pile of recycling and compost ready to go
4-internet- comes tomorrow, then I found out yesterday that the address check for the faster company which said I didn't qualify for fiber internet lies, my neighbors all I have that , more speed and cheaper.

Hopefully all this gets fixed this week and we can say we are all moved in


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