Thursday, June 6, 2013

A change of heart

One of the most difficult parts of this huge change for us has been my fear that our children would not thrive in Ireland.  Audrey in particular was filled with anger and sadness at the loss of her friends, community and close relationship with family here in Portland.  Well, something has shifted and she is feeling excited and ready to go.  She filled her backpack with Ireland stickers and is thrilled with the house that we've committed to in our new home:

(22 The Arches, Maynooth, Co. Kildare

I don't know what made this change come about (perhaps lots of prayer on my part helped), but I'm so glad for it.  Audrey credits her 2nd grade teacher Erin Quinton with her change of heart.  We stopped in at our old elementary school yesterday afternoon and Audrey and Ms. Quinton hatched a plan to correspond while we are away.  Audrey will be Ms. Quinton's class pen pal.  She also tells me that learning about families on the Oregon Trail gave her some perspective.  What those kids went through made moving to Ireland look pretty good to her.  Thank God for covered wagons.  

1 comment:

  1. Audrey is going to do great. She has the gift of gab! Glad to hear she is on board.
