Wednesday, July 10, 2013

last minute

In the final stretch

squeezed in a date night last night
Cheese Bar (meat and cheese...) and a movie, this is the end
The bar/restaurant was quiet and empty except for us but that was fine by us.
Then on to the movie. $5 movie night at Regal.
The movie includes Seth Rogen, James Franco, Jonah Hill, Emma Watson, etc...
Basically a movie about the apocalypse, end of the world...

while the stress and craziness of the prep might feel light the end of the world, just like in the movie there is salvation ahead...

I will have to pull this picture out for Audrey down the road. A bucket list at 10!  at least we can knock out 2 of the list England and Paris, France. The rest will have to wait...

now shouldn't I be packing or something, oh yeah...


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