Summer is upon us, the Irish holiday season. The last day of primary school (elementary school for the americans out there) is today.The summer break for the kids is shorter here , only 2 months, end of June to end of August. Most of the Irish will take their holidays in the summer when the kids are out, usually week or 2 week long trips. Portugal is one popular choice
What will we do this summer?...We have lots of camps scheduled- hurling/camogie, gaelic football, football (soccer), art, etc... Camps are usually 10-2 so not all day affairs like they would be in the U.S. We will probably do 1-2 day trips around Ireland and maybe UK on the weekends. We are also planning to do a barge trip though ironically some recent good weather (almost 2 weeks of sun 60s-70s) may make that not work due to too many weeds in canal.
The map below red represents some of the places still on our to do list. The blue represents places we have already been. We will see if we can make the Ireland map more blue.
For the big picture, here is Europe. The blue is where we have been so far, Red are some of the to do's.
Still need to add some more red targets , such as Italy, Greece, Germany, etc... Will tackle some of these in the fall and spring
that's all for now...